Cathedral S. Maria Assunta

The building of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, erected on the area occupied by the previous parish church of San Basilio, is consequent to the transfer of the bishop's seat from Luni to Sarzana in 1204. È assai probabile che i lavori siano effettivamente iniziati solo alla fine del secolo XIII. In 1355, the lower part of the façade was completed (as recalled by the inscription engraved on the marble architrave of the portal), while in 1474 Lorenzo Riccomanni da Pietrasanta created the rose window that adorns the upper part. The construction of the bell tower also dates back to the 15th century, while between the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, the two side bodies flanking the marble façade were built to open the six internal chapels. Also dating back to the 18th century are the statues placed at the crowning of the building depicting three important exponents of the Lunigiana church: Pope Sergius IV, St. Eutichiano and Nicholas V. The interior with three wide naves divided by octagonal pillars and covered by a valuable wooden coffered ceiling, created in 1670 by Pietro Giambelli from Pisa, preserves important testimonies of art and faith: among them, the Reliquary of the Precious Blood of Christ and the painted Cross by Mastro Guglielmo, a cornerstone of Italian Romanesque painting, signed and dated 1138.